Family & Ancestors

What is this about? This page includes a link to a list of my relatives and ancestors, including far away relatives. It will be shown as family tree.

My intention is to provide this information to other relatives.

Terms of Use

You are allowed to use these information providing the following is true and accepted by you:

  • You are a relative or believe that you might be one. This means in relation to persons named here. Note: See family names below.

  • You are a natural person and you act exclusively in your own privat interest. For companies, government agencies, clubs, societies or other organisations access is prohibited.

  • I assume no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. You use it exclusively at your own risk.

You aggree to all this and everything applies to you? Then follow this Link!

You are entitled but are not able to read the content because you do not know the password? In this case please contact me with your phone number or email address using the contact form on this page.

There is something missing or wrong specfied? You want some information about you to be removed? Then please also contact me through the contact form.

Data Protection and Security

For data protection reason the data is not freely available. The data is encrypted and a passwort is required. The password is the maiden name of my mother. So if you know me or my family you should be able to enter the password.

Family Names

The following family names are contained in this listing:

  • Ave

  • Breves

  • Feldmann

  • Fricke

  • Greimeier

  • Hiebel

  • Hille

  • Klünder

  • Klemme

  • Kopmann

  • Kunze

  • Laue

  • Meyer

  • Mund

  • Noltemeyer

  • Petig

  • Pieper

  • Piechot

  • Polzin

  • Podzuweit

  • Rothbauer

  • Schelski

  • Schrader

  • Stach

  • Tielke

  • Utenwiehe

  • Wollenweber